Client: Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, EU Investment framework for infrastructure projects for the Western Balkans (WBIF-IPF7), Hill international.
Location: Belgrade, Campus of technical faculties
Program: Public Building
Gross Area: 30 000m2
Design: 2022
Status: Invited Competition
Awards: Equal 2nd prize.
Authors: Zabriskie & Urbanistički Centar
Zabriskie team: Milka Gnjato, Ivan Zuliani, Nikola Milanović (URED studio), Nemanja Ćurčić, Milena Katić, Ivica Marković, Miloš Stanković, Fedor Jurić, Ivan Šuić.
Zabriskie associates:
Urbanism: Anđelka Miloradović dia Milana Vandić dia.
Graphics: Mihajlo Neimarević, dia
Algorithmic Architecture – Ognjen Graovac, dia
Model: Uroš Dragović, dia, Sofija Alorić, dia
Technical consultants
Wood structures + CLT systems: Acetra doo – Dušan Milutinović, dig, Janko Maksimović, dig
Business consulting: Andrej Kravčuk
Structural engineering: Aleksandar Trajković, dig
Energy efficiency: ENEF concept – Ivan Kalc, dia
Ecological concept: Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, mia
Traffic: Danijela Mišković, dig
Landscape: Maja Đorđević, dipa
Taking the significance of the location into account, as well as extraordinary development potential of an institution destined to lead the rest of the engineering professions into the future, we thought that it is of vital importance to turn the structure itself, in every sense, into a beacon – a benchmark that will push the boundaries of higher education establishments.
Through ecological concept, through talent retention strategy, reducing CO2 emission and through application of advanced digital tools in drafting projects, we created an iconic structure, which stimulates and underlines the value of its surroundings, its users, professionals and contributes to the wider community. As a result, the campus of Faculties of Technology and Engineering Sciences can walk tall among other prestigious European institutions of higher education.
In accordance with modern ecological and social sustainability standards, the project includes a range of complementary systems and facilities, ranging from cycle parking, showers and locker rooms for cyclists, through CLT constructions to using reclaimed materials for paving open areas.
By preserving and respecting the existing values of the complex, the distinctive rooftop area has been created, offering a view on the Cyril and Methodius and Little Tašmajdan parks, suggesting an uninterrupted link between two parks. With the platform-structure placed in the middle of the campus, the park is raised to the roof of the building intended to be used for research, for showcasing the University and interacting with the general public. Such an arrangement both inter-connects and encourages the use of a new faculty hall, new event square and the adjoining public spaces at ground level.
Facilities on the platform:
The answer of our design team to a historically significant location with an existing building complex is a building that does not exceed the height of the lowest structure in the complex. Lowering the structure to a height of 14 m, enables the project to preserve the unique identity and hierarchy of the protected volumes and façades of the Faculty of Technology and Engineering. At the same time, this spurred a decision to make the building a pavilion, to let the existing structures breed and retain their distinctive autonomy.
The project links the Cyril and Methodius park to the Little Tašmajdan park, not only through greenery, but also by introducing facilities complementing the open public spaces.
Architecture as a means of retaining top talents was one of the leading themes in drafting this project, considering the importance of this challenge for the modern academic institutions in this part of the world. Our goal was to create a pavilion that can match those of the world renowned university and IT campuses when it comes to facilities and common spaces. That’s why the emphasis was placed on promoting great energy, ideas and autonomy that only an academic environment can offer to future scientists and researchers.
To give the planned construction true and symbolic significance in terms of CO2 footprint reduction, for this wooden structure we used a CLT building system with its carbon storage capacities, achieving CO2 neutrality across the entire process of production, transport and construction itself.
Apart from being a clear techno-ecological statement of this institution, noble character of the wooden structure adds to the overall distinctiveness of the building and professes the values it stands for in a clear way.